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    The Exhibition Summer 2024 Global Education (Finished)

    Upcoming Events

    16 Mar, 2024

    10 : 48

    • The Exhibition Summer 2024 Global Education will be held grandly in Jiaxing. This educational conference will last for four hours and invite twenty well-known international schools from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai, including YWIES Tongxiang, to participate. Several education experts will be present at the event, and hundreds of families have been invited to attend. This conference provides an opportunity for parents and students to interact directly with their desired international schools and seek advice on exam preparation, school selection, and further education matters.


      Event Details


      Date: 16 Mar 2024, Sat

      Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

      Venue: Jiayuan A&B Halls, 5F, Sijihong Hotel, No. 181 Penglai Road, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, China.

      Register Now