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    First "YCYW School Games" Successfully Held at YWIES Tongxiang!

    Wechat News

    11 Jun, 2024

    10 : 23

    • The first "YCYW School Games" was held from May 29th to 31st at YWIES Tongxiang. Over 200 student representatives from 11 campuses in Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Hong Kong and other places competed in various sports events such as football, basketball, volleyball, and handball. This was not only a fierce competition, but also a stage to showcase youth and strength.



      At YWIES Tongxiang, physical education has always been one of the school's featured courses and plays a crucial role. Through sports, students can not only exercise their bodies, but also develop important life skills such as teamwork, leadership, perseverance, and adaptability. Here, we value individual progress, not just winning or losing. We hope that every student can find their own joy in sports activities, enjoy the pleasure of exercise, and also grow and improve in a healthy and happy atmosphere.


      Mr Adam Porter, our Head of PE & Sports, and Mr Kenny Mak, our PE teacher, are the leaders of the school's physical education. They are committed to conveying the correct sports concepts to students and tirelessly striving to promote the development of the school's sports career. Mr Porter stated that they are trying various methods to promote different sports projects, such as organizing football matches and swimming competitions, and using students' physical education classes and after-school time to help them improve their sports skills. Their efforts aim to inspire students' interest and love for sports, cultivate their sports talents, and provide them with a positive and healthy learning environment.



      Selected students from Grade 5-9 students represented our school in the competition. Let's get to know them and their exciting stories. Among them, Radoslava, Zanetta, and Dylan will share their feelings about this event.



      Radoslava and Zanetta, two new students who joined YWIES Tongxiang this academic year, represented the school in this event. They participated in the football and handball activities. They have a great passion for sports and often try out various sports activities in their spare time. They have also joined various school teams. Radoslava is a member of the school's table tennis team, while Zanetta enjoys activities such as football, badminton, running, and long jump.


      Zanetta mentioned that regular physical exercise has greatly improved her physical fitness and endurance. She enjoys running, playing badminton, and participating in other sports activities in her spare time, which has helped her maintain a good physical condition. She believes that sports activities not only make her physically stronger, but also help her face various challenges in life with a more positive and optimistic attitude.



      Participating in sports competitions not only helps to exercise the body, but also helps to establish and maintain social friendships. As Dylan said, in sports, we have the opportunity to interact with peers from different regions, breaking down geographical and cultural barriers. Through cooperation and competition, we establish strong friendships, which are further strengthened and consolidated during the competition.


      During this event, Dylan reunited with his good friend from YWIES Beijing whom he met during his study trip in Somerset, UK. They were both very excited to see each other again. Meanwhile, Zanetta made new friends from Shanghai campus during a soccer game. Although they were opponents during the game, they cheered each other on and shared their game experiences after the game, which helped them build a deep friendship. These friendships are not only the rewards of sports competitions, but also valuable assets in life, which will benefit us greatly in our future studies and lives.



      The spirit of competitive sports is an attitude of striving for excellence and challenging oneself. This spirit is not only reflected in the competition, but also runs through all aspects of life. It can inspire us to constantly surpass ourselves, overcome difficulties, and move forward with courage and determination.


      In this inter-school football competition, Zanetta and her teammates started preparing from May, training almost every day, and also endured injuries during the game. However, they still persisted. Zanetta said that she always had her slogan of "Higher, Stronger, Effort, S truggle, Surpassing oneself" in her mind, which encouraged her to stick to it. Although football was difficult, their passion and perseverance encouraged them to move forward. In the game, Zanetta personally scored 2 goals for the school team, which was also a reward for their team's unremitting efforts.



      For Radoslava, the spirit of competitive sports is of great significance to personal growth and development. It not only cultivates perseverance and teamwork skills, but also enhances self-confidence and stress resistance. Although she had no experience with football before, she started training in May and has since broken through herself, realizing her potential in life. This is also her first time trying something new, and although the training was tough, she still persisted.


      The school sports event is not only a competition of athleticism, but also a social feast that delves deep into student life. It is a precious time for them to make new friends and weave unforgettable memories together. We firmly believe that such activities not only deepen the bond of friendship between students, but also inspire them to have a healthy and positive competitive mentality, and will effectively promote the improvement of their physical fitness and the indomitable spirit of sports. The school sports event is a witness to youth, a mark of growth, and a brilliant chapter that students paint together.


      Believe that this is an unforgettable sports event and an important experience on the path of students' growth, which will inspire more students to actively participate in physical exercise and pursue higher athletic achievements.