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    Our Arts Work in Worldwide Art Exhibitions

    Wechat News

    11 Dec, 2023

    14 : 32

    • Recently, students from YWIES Tongxiang have put in some outstanding performances in various art competitions at home and abroad. Among them, the works of Grade 7 Yoyo Sun, and Grade 9 Kevin Wang, were selected for the 2023 "WE ARE THE WORLD" International Children's Art Exhibition at the Louvre Museum in France and the Forbes China Youth Artist National Tour Exhibition, respectively.




      The "WE ARE THE WORLD" International Children's Art Exhibition is a project supported by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)and provides an opportunity to showcase global adolescents’ reflection of the world through their creative art pieces.



      The "Under the Sea" artwork by Grade 7, Yoyo Sun from YWIES Tongxiang, has been selected for this year's International Children's Art Exhibition and her work will be exhibited as the representative of Chinese children's hanging paintings at the Carrousel Hall of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.



      When talking about her creative inspiration, Yoyo explained, "The theme of this competition is 'We Are the World'. I want to show the changes in the ocean before and after pollution through my painting. The red earth represents the polluted state, while the ocean in front represents the unpolluted state. We live on the same planet with marine animals, and I also want to call on everyone to protect the marine ecosystem and safeguard this blue planet together."


      Forbes China and Shenzhen Xiaoyan Art Academy jointly launched the "2023 Forbes China Youth Artist 100 Competition" in March. Forbes China has always encouraged artistic development and provided better opportunities for artists, hoping to arouse more attention to art by constantly exploring artists with potential and influence.



      After intense competition in multiple stages such as the preliminary and final rounds, Grade 9, Kevin Wang from YWIES Tongxiang stood out and was selected in the 2023 Forbes China Youth Artist 100. His work "Option" has also been exhibited several times in the National Tour Exhibition.



      When talking about his creative inspiration, Kevin said, "I used a left-right comparison artistic style to show the current social situation and people's living conditions. The European fairytale style in the picture represents traditional and beautiful lives, while the bustling and flashy city streets on the right reflect the prosperity of modern cities. The girl stopped and thought about what kind of life she wanted under the signpost. I hope people can slow down, examine their own lives, and choose a lifestyle that meets their inner needs."


      "Those who are not afraid of the long journey up the mountains and rivers will be rewarded with stunning scenery; those who are not afraid of the rough waves and winds will be rewarded with magnificent sunrises by the sea.Ms Niki, our art competition instructor commented, "Encountering difficulties in artistic creation is common, but persistence and achievement require effort and perseverance. The courage and perseverance of these two students is also worth learning from and emulating."


      These domestic and international competitions lay a solid foundation for their future career development, giving students more confidence and competence to face future challenges. The future is full of challenges, but also with opportunities for development. YWIES Tongxiang pays attention to cultivating students' cultural literacy and social responsibility. Ms Niki also stated that they will organize more public welfare activities for students in the future. By carrying out public welfare art projects, they can use their creativity and artistic talents to contribute to society.


      YCYW is committed to aligning with Culture and Arts, and focuses on cultivating students' cultural literacy and aesthetic ability. Through art education and cultural influence, it inspires students' love for art and creativity, and improves their comprehensive quality and competitiveness. The school not only emphasizes Art in the regular school curriculum, but also actively organizes students to participate in various art competitions and exhibitions, providing them with a broader stage and opportunities.